Talent Acquisition

In honor of International Women's Month, here are Reasons to Stop Using Psychometric Tests:

March 9, 2023
Marci Schnapp

Here are just a few reasons to stop using these tests for hiring, team building, and coaching.

  1. Lack of validity and reliability: Studies are finding that these tests don't accurately predict job performance or potential. Furthermore, these tests can be influenced by factors such as test-taking anxiety, cultural background, and language barriers, leading to inaccurate and unfair results.
  2. Bias and discrimination: Psychometric tests can perpetuate bias and discrimination by promoting and reinforcing gender, cultural, and racial stereotypes, leading to unequal treatment and opportunities in the workplace and undermining diversity and inclusivity.
  3. Inflexibility and one-dimensional view of people: Psychometric tests often rely on a one-dimensional and narrow view of talent, excluding talented individuals who do not fit the mold of the "ideal" candidate, limiting the diversity and creativity of the workforce.
  4. Harmful to women in the workplace: Psychometric tests have been found to perpetuate gender biases and stereotypes. Research has shown that these tests often prioritize traditionally masculine traits, such as assertiveness and competitiveness, while devaluing feminine traits, like empathy and emotional intelligence. Psychometric tests have been found to perpetuate gender and racial stereotypes, further limiting opportunities for women and underrepresented groups in the workplace.


  • Ryan, A. M., & Ployhart, R. E. (2014). A century of selection. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 693-717.
  • Bobko, P. (2001). Correlation and regression: Applications for industrial organizational psychology and management. Sage Publications.
  • Kuncel, N. R., Hezlett, S. A., & Ones, D. S. (2010). A comprehensive meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the graduate record examinations: implications for graduate student selection and performance. Psychological Bulletin, 136(1), 6-38.

Opusuna's role-based assessment is an effective and equitable way to assess ourselves. Opusuna uses movie analogies where participants cast themselves in 10 films. The answers are interpreted the same way every time by the technology.

Opusuna measures the ability to work with others using three dimensions of team interaction;

  1. the way a person makes meaningful contributions;
  2. a person's orientation to 'teamwork'; and
  3. how a person is likely to respond to others.

This new approach leads to organic diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.

My assessment results gave me new insights into how I make meaningful contributions through my work and personal life and my effect on people. By gaining new insights and understanding, I made, better decisions and implement changes in my business that aligned with my values of equality and fairness. This serves me and my clients in a way that incorporates these values.

I believe that in order to solve today's talent challenges and secure a bright future for everyone, we need to change the way we currently measure and value ourselves and others to reflect our contributions to teams.